These are all of my little sister's wedding.. I am so PROUD of her.. Ya see.. I always thought she would end up a crazy cat lady ( she
has her master's of Library science) ... but .. she is now all growed up.. married.. YES MARRIED. .has a 5 bedroom house.. takes fun vacations and has a man that loves her.. It's pretty stellar. I was her maid of honor.. I can't believe she asked me.. I did her makeup, floral arrangements & centerpieces.. I didn't exactly like the way she wanted everything.. but it was HER DAY ( some of our family forgot that ) .. and cried b/c they didn't have earrings..

It all went off w/ out a hitch.. even though I flipped a second when the spider started climbing up her back while they were saying the vows.. guess that is what happens when you have it outdoors???
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